Randy McClave Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Hunter

The buck stood their so majestic
While unto him I probably looked so pathetic,
I am wearing camouflage, painted my face in the garage
With two friends with me as my entourage.

Wearing A Kilt

She said I was wearing a skirt
She was just being a jerk,
I told her it was a kilt that I was wearin'
I then told her to stop being a Karen.

The Bat

The bat was a very confused creature
It never had a teacher,
So, now it always flys around blindly
And now it's always treated unkindly.

No Backbone

Remember, many against it had fought
And those many suffered and then died,
While many more decided to take the shot
And those who did, survived.


The razor blade is very sharp
But, it can't cut down a tree,
It could easily cut the string on a harp
And it could shave the beard on me.

And I Loved Her

I loved her when friends said I shouldn't
I loved her when others said I couldn't,
And I loved her when they all walked away
I loved her every single day.

Taylor Swift

Honestly, I can't name one song by Taylor Swift
I have never heard one riff,
I can't even tell you one melody that she sings
In my brain not one of them ever rings.

The Debate Began

Now the debate will soon begin
And both side want to desperately win.
The debate is now on
The candidates have already been drawn,

I Own A Bible

I own a Bible and it sits on my self
Like my pictures and trophies and everything else,
And whenever my friends come over to visit me
There on the self my Bible they all can see.

I Am That Person

I am the person that you did hurt
And I am the same person that you did desert,
I am the person that you treated like dirt
I am that person.

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