Randy McClave Poems

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From Kentucky

I'm here from Kentucky
Where we all are born plucky,
We are all from the hills
Where hunting and fishing is our main skills.

Always In Control

Maybe not today or even tomorrow
Maybe not even tonight,
But, when you're full of sorrow
The Lord will know when the time is right.

Two Men On The Cross

Two other men on the cross
With Jesus were to die,
Their death was no great loss
As the Roman's did laugh and mock and did cry.

Before You Seek

Before you seek revenge
Before one hair you seek to singe,
And before on that journey you embark

Breaking The Law

He whined and he accused as he shouted
He complained and he lied as he pouted,
And as he stood upon the stage
His soul was full of hate and rage.

Hypocrites There

I watched the Republicans in Congress pray
And I remember hearing what each did say,
With a Bible in each of their hand
And how against others they were making a stand.

Help And Forgive

It's easier to live
When you help and also forgive,
When you don't look at the color of the skin
And you do your best not to sin.

I Was Told

I was told a gun was just a tool
Which could be used by and imbecile or fool,
They said it was like the screwdriver, hammer and saw
Or a shovel or an axe used in awe.

The 7 Deadly Sins

He embodies all 7 deadly sins
From many beliefs and religions,
Lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride
He has stole, cheated, raped, committed adultery and lied.

The People I Met

I walked into a room with everyone I've ever met
I held no sorrow and I felt not one regret,
Because, everyone that was there in that room with me
Someway one or another they helped me see.

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