Randy McClave Poems

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She took off her jacket and then her high heels
Then in my mind I started having seductive ideals,
She then took off her wig, her eyelashes and her jewelry
I thought to myself, is this some type of trick or tomfoolery,

Scorn To Mourn

Man must always fight in war
Children, Woman must always bore,
Without either they'd be no more.

Poor And Homeless

He begged me for a dollar
But, instead I gave him a dime,
I thought myself as a scholar
So, I asked him about his lifetime,

If I Knew

If I knew then, what I know now
Maybe I wouldn't be using a plow,
More books I would have read
If I was only thinking about 'now' in my head.

Gitchy, Gitchy Bloody Bones

The steps they are creaky
And then you hear his moans,
He is now on the first step
Gitchy, gitchy bloody bones.

Laid Off

The company will laugh and management will scoff
Just because of them, I will be getting laid off,
They lied and they robbed their own company blind
While I and others were being forced to work overtime.

I Do (Wedding Vows)

If a man says I do
To a woman to hear and to view,
Let him know what will ensue
Now and forever they will be two.

Worried About Getting Married

When her mother got married she wore a white gown
And not to be known, she got married in another town,
Now her daughter is getting married, but she will be wearing a dress
As she is pregnant and confused, and also depressed.

The Dog

Not to be lonely God created us all a mate
But, sometimes that partner gave us only hate,
Looking for love and joy many times was lost
Infidelity and cheating, was the final cost.


Just because a person carries a badge or wears a uniform
Their soul and their beliefs should not transform,
To think it's acceptable to murder or to commit homicide
Let God and then their conscience, and not hatred be their guide.

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