Randy McClave Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Cutting Someone Off

When you cut someone off from your life
Because of the heartache and strife,
That moment when you think that you found your peace
You didn't, the heartache and pain doesn't cease.

I Was Seventeen

Why did I do this or say that
Why did I walk on you like a floor mat,
And those awful words that I did say
How I wish that I could take them all away.

The Saddest Thing

The saddest thing that I have ever done
Either beneath the moon or underneath the sun,
Something that I believed that I would never do
Something, that would tear the soul into.

Sorry For Your (Stupid) Loss

You truly knew better
You were informed and also told in a letter,
And you knew exactly what to do
But, you believed the lies that were told to you.

I Just Wanted You

I wanted you
But, you didn't want me,
I wanted what I saw
But, you wanted the sea.

That Kiss

Just remember this
A kiss, is just a kiss,
And a hug is, but a hug
Unless, you are truly in love.

Will You Marry Me

Will you marry me
So, true love will finally be,
Will you be my wife, share my life
While I'm asking on one knee.

He Lost

Can't you get this through your thick head
Lies to you have been fed,
Every story told to you was make believe
You they did trick, and did easily deceive.


Sunflowers in the yard
And Sunflowers on the house,
And Sunflowers on a card
Sunflowers for the spouse.

The Hedgehog

I have never received a hug
Never not once in my life,
Spoke the hedgehog
To his tiny understanding wife.

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