Rebecca Pepper Poems

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This may seem sappy and may seem weak
But I wish to find what so many seek
A happy feeling with neither reason nor rhyme
A simple perfection that only I can call mine

Expectations, Realisations

They tell me that I can pass these tests
They tell me I could be one of the best
But they don't care about what I wish
And I can tell you now I don't want this

In The Arms Of Boredom

I am bored, so indescribably, detestably bored
I can no longer find an activity which strikes a chord
I sit then stand, walk forever but go nowhere
So when you find entertainment please do share


Trust, a delicate matter of me and you
A relationship that is so fresh, brand new
That we barely know the others birthday
But you said it didn't matter what others say


Between you and me, I fear for her
I do feel in a way but I must say sir
That although she belongs completely to him
The chances that he sees himself as hers are slim

Time To Go

Tears race through my veins
As my sorrow takes the reins
There's nothing more to say
Than a sweet goodbye today


Don't do this to me I beg and plead
And then I realise I've let you succeed
You didn't need to hurt me, no not at all
You just needed me to feel what it's like to fall


You build your domain with such power
Bit by bit until you're finishing your last tower
Strength fed by determination as destructive as fire
As you force this world to reach higher and higher

Judged: Not Guilty

She doesn't understand the mistake she made
This time she took it too far and now she must fade
I told her again and again the game she plays is wrong
But I didn't realise that she was truly so far gone

Judged: Guilty

Slowly you descend into your sleepy make believe
Make believe that had a heart that seems to breathe
Trudging through the undergrowth, through the marsh
You wonder how you can create conditions so harsh

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