Rebecca Pepper Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Fleeing To Be Free

You lead me so far away from my home
But with you I feel safe, no longer alone
I cant tell what makes me feel this way
Maybe it's the actions or just the words you say

Inconsiderate Idiot

He may be pretty with deep intelligent eyes
But his heart is cold and has a mind full of lies
I care about you I really do so please just let me say
Don't trust him, you will find a perfect person one day

Tortured Silence

I don't want to be here, to open this door
Please close the curtains I don't want to see anymore
What I see when I close my eyes hurts beyond belief
I close the world away as I seek for some relief

Criminal Mind

Did I hurt you? Oh I am sorry… Truly I am
Such a shame then isn't it, that you are a sham
What? Did you think I believed your pretty little lies?
Oh darling don't be foolish I have my own set of eyes

Deceitful Security

I feel you even when you aren't there
And these feelings, they're too much to bear
You are under my skin, hold a permanent place
All because of those events I just can't face

Memory For Him And Me

Little buddle of joy wrapped up so tight
My only memory of our final night
That you left hurts, I'm not gunna lie
But you left me with one last lullaby

Imperfectly Sane

The worlds painted in so many different tones
The skin doesn't fit these changing bones
You're on your feet but feel like you're kneeling
Do you know that awful feeling?

Silent Addiction

Feel alive, oh how it feels so good
Don't do it on purpose, can't stand the looks
You never knew, never understood
Just how it makes me want, makes me feel

Final Goodbye

It really hurt you know
Every time you would go
It's getting harder to hide
That It's killing me inside


Sweet lips, petal soft, rose red
Two turtle doves, the lies you said
Sea blue eyes, caring and sharing
Coal black heart, such a strange pairing

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