Rebecca Stansfield

Rebecca Stansfield Poems

Battered face is bruised,
there that beauty hidden,
the woman sat in front of me,
ear phones in, blacked eyed, singing.

Anticipation cries around,
the essence of a living creature,
I am, the living creature.
Of a life in that there world upon,

Foresee the day ahead of me,
the is rising again,
and all that was a burden to me,
is flying, again.

Clouds made up of sounds of violins, the white clouds that seldom move, if you stare for days.
The birds that never seem to look angry, even as the crows, eat their own friendships.

What is love?
I'm waiting.

Angels move in closer,

Tornadoes moving in like fire,
the baby of the night,
providing the mess it's causing here,
is waiting for a fight.

The water in my eyes
The water in my heart
The air The air The air The air
The air that's in my soul

For some reason- I wanted it-
your home.
It's almost dinner time at one-
and I'm unnoticeable.


Kissing beards
Holding hands
Dreaming whilst we're working
Of feet in Spanish sands

Who's to worry,
is it a fault of mine?
That you are snatching everything,
snatching my life and my time.

The lacking of time,
is in duty.
Paid and almost done,
where room is no longer insurable,

When lives of love submit,
in a tragedy of feelings of,
of that this so place where feelings lay,
when I'm pretending to be curious? !


Moving life emits,
a tender thrill of all of this,
of that so great in all our minds,
changing the course of which the grounds,


Nature relies on me,
what to submit and how it's essence plays in my ears.
How in my heart I listen,
the thrill in which I'm thinking of,

Jumping from the morning, but
who's wife sting,
as how we face the upcoming
bright summer.

There's not many people in,
what I buy, share,
for who are the people,
- I do not not know.

Laying in by nature where I lay,
awaiting anything before I start the day.
I know the times from way before,
the way that was the same.

Every bird 'a coming around
the fire of the WHO in me,
and where is the day starting?
I love you-

I be born a surrounding soul,
bowing at each and every courtesy,
yet each and everything thing I stole,
stolen from grace and robbed from me,

The Best Poem Of Rebecca Stansfield

Black Beauty

Battered face is bruised,
there that beauty hidden,
the woman sat in front of me,
ear phones in, blacked eyed, singing.

Black beauty covered, whispering,
the piano keys, faking happy,
in the sun beams in hair in front of me,
a black beauty, sitting in front of me.

Is it obvious I'm weeping,
I felt and saw it too,
deep as when I look at you,
I saw it once, I saw it too.

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