Reyvrex Questor Reyes Poems

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When giving a gift
we give a bit of ourselves with it.
That is why a gift must have a giver.
A worthy gift must be of the best quality

Love Sonnet 232 Till Four Decades Paid Their Respects To You

Till four decades paid their respects to you,
Bestowing on your crown a lighter shade,
Will, only then you'll know what more is due,
Before the brightness of your star would fade;

Love Sonnet 250 'when Seeing You Amidst The Many Blooms'

When seeing you amidst the many blooms,
In garden full of Beauty's prime displays,
Why even wheresoever my sight roams,
Back to your aspects, my attention stays;

Love Sonnet 249: How Soon Will Waiting Days Get Full Spent

How soon will waiting days get fully spent,
Before Eternity expires as reached,
Before from sadness, hearts are fully rent,
Before Time's utmost boundaries are breached;


My annals bear glorious and dark pages,
And crimes, as are committed in my name,
As men did go to fight and claim wages,
Along with chance for fame, quick death or shame;


My love, she dwells along enchanting shores,
That waves caress and balmy breezes keep,
On which sands lay printed those mystic lores,
That got erased with every tidal sweep;


I watch the seagulls fly and shout your name,
Should in your isle, you walk along the brine,
Would you, too, try to play this childish game,
To hear bird cries to sound like name of mine?

Love Sonnet 88: 'Beyond These Reefs And Far Away Yonder, '

Beyond these reefs and far away yonder,
Awaits my love, so distant yet so nigh,
And often in her arms my thoughts wander,
A thousand miles ahead as crows would fly;


We once met cruising on a two-way street,
And passing by, I did throw you a line,
I now repeat what I said once to greet:
'Can we tryst sometime, in your dream or mine? '

Love Sonnet 91: 'Our Fondest Memories Sweeten My Dreams'

Our fondest memories sweeten my dreams
Like buns, jellies and cakes a child adores,
Like pastries, too, that knew no other creams,
The name remembered most and called is yours;

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