Reyvrex Questor Reyes Poems

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Breathes There A Man

Breathes there a man,
Or just a respondent
Says the survey team.

Eyeful Bliss

What is it that speaks, before lips can say,
Caress and feel, before the hands can touch,
Stabs without daggers, without swords can slay,
And betrays a love, that has grown so much?


As twilight calls curtain, to end the day,
I feel so small, I tower among ants,
Whilst I reckon my faults from where I lay,
For nightly rest, while regret even rants;

What Will It Be?

If it's yea, of the lightest heart, I'll sing,
Towards heaven, exulting all the way,
In meadows, I'll dance, but to grass I'll cling,
Afraid that a breeze, might waft me away.


What rules the lives of men: beggars and kings,
And those between, that unseats or installs,
That crowns, exiles, or that sweetens or stings,
While Fate has claimed the risings and the falls?

Do Not Go Down With The Ship

Captain, my Captain, find another ship,
You need not hit the bottom on this rig,
Born in this sea, this fateful maiden trip,
Make not your cradle be your grave to dig:

The Middle Path

The road to Hell is wide and traveled well,
With timbrels, gay, and trumpets blowing loud,
And souls won't know, if when, and how they fell,
With souls roasting, their bodies walk still proud:


They say that love is best which is the first,
Like water from untrodden snow, drank pure,
When lovers pledge, would not of others thirst
Though they could fall, to other drink's allure:

The Girl With The Gun

With this piece in hand, she's heard, they should
The men obey when she orders around
Respect she got, as it has always showed
For oft she goes her way though cops abound

An Astronomer To His Love

You are my star, so brighter than the rest
Like Arcturus, you beckon to my eyes
As shine the Quarks and Mouns that line the crest
Of Quantum, nanoseconds till it dies

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