Reyvrex Questor Reyes Poems

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When love remains as figment of mere dreams,
As flimsy silk, or webs that spiders spin,
Yet serves us best, when life's hard crust it creams,
As joys, that might at times, been spread too thin;


You left a spectral smile that stalks my mind,
To haunt my only niche in Time and Space,
My every thought in reverie I find,
Reminiscing your compassion and grace;

Dream On My Pillow

Just suppose that you took my pillow,
Will you let me, in your dreams, follow?
A soul of make-believe, that's me,
Class A, romantic fool, per se


When I perchance, did glance upon your face,
But on intent, have sought to hold your hand,
I might, on private times, claim that embrace,
And scout for site where caring lips would land;

Love Sonnet 185: 'My Love, Speak Not To Me Of Yesterday, '

My love, speak not to me of yesterday,
Of withered rose and long gone ecstasies,
Neither of dreams nor joys that naught did stay,
But of today, where starts new fantasies;

Love Sonnet 22: 'How Soon Persephone Would Say Goodbye, '

How soon Persephone would say goodbye,
And leave her mantle, white upon the ground?
My heart seeks not to know, nor reasons why,
But makes the most while she is still around;

Love Sonnet 182: 'Of All The Loves We Knew Or Almost Have, '

Of all the loves we know or almost have,
There stands a one that weathers all neglect,
That in our solitude would often salve
Regrets, when minds on such a love reflect;


Like fruit which over-ripes and sadly falls,
Youth ends, but hope mine mellows as though wine,
As best to culminate these earthly calls,
And please, my Lord, forgive those sins of mine;

Love Sonnet 25: 'Help, Hercules! An Eagle Tore A Part'

Help, Hercules! An eagle tore a part,
From my poor liver, swooping from above,
Nay, not my liver, but rather my heart,
And she seems not an eagle, but a dove;


As we walk through life's many thoroughfares,
We soon find paths so rough, some traveled well,
While one stranger ignores, another cares,
Some foes flee, some friends from our graces fell;

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