Rishi Machaiah

Rishi Machaiah Poems

As the beep grows louder, I fiddle around for the snooze button
Because sleep is to me, what food is to a glutton!
I lazily slide out of bed, with a strange feel of mourning
O lord! Have mercy, its again Monday morning!

It was a cold wet morning in the month of June
My stomach was grumbling, felt it was already noon
I felt nervous, but tried to be cool
Finally it was the D-day for me to join school!

The year was '89 and the month was November
Far across the border, an event was to happen worth to remember!
As kids of his age wondered what to wear and whom to date,
He strode down the ground, ready to write his own fate!

Rishi Machaiah Biography

An amateur poet who writes what you can relate to!)

The Best Poem Of Rishi Machaiah

Monday Blues!

As the beep grows louder, I fiddle around for the snooze button
Because sleep is to me, what food is to a glutton!
I lazily slide out of bed, with a strange feel of mourning
O lord! Have mercy, its again Monday morning!

I trudge along to the restroom, which seems more than a mile
A squeeze of shampoo on my head, and the little refreshing bath takes a while.
With food for my stomach but nothing for my mind,
I step out of the house to beat the daily grind!

The day proceeds slowly, crawling at snail's pace.
But the same is not expected of you, life being a bloody rat race!
You work against your wishes, even though it kills;
Why you ask? Because someone has to pay the bills.

With the struggle for existence, life's become a blank letter
And with despair at its depth, hope things can get only better.
So keep your spirits high and ask the source for clues;
Because I bet there's a way to beat the Monday blues!

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