Rishi Machaiah Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Monday Blues!

As the beep grows louder, I fiddle around for the snooze button
Because sleep is to me, what food is to a glutton!
I lazily slide out of bed, with a strange feel of mourning
O lord! Have mercy, its again Monday morning!

Monsoon Of 99!

It was a cold wet morning in the month of June
My stomach was grumbling, felt it was already noon
I felt nervous, but tried to be cool
Finally it was the D-day for me to join school!

Back To The Pavilion!

The year was '89 and the month was November
Far across the border, an event was to happen worth to remember!
As kids of his age wondered what to wear and whom to date,
He strode down the ground, ready to write his own fate!

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