Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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Man’s Chivalry

A man positions himself ready
In front of most woman companions
To collect warmth in case it flows from her,
Himself not sure from whom it would happen.

Women Awaken

Education and employment
Enhanced esteem and elegance.
Most women are desirable
And equally formidable too.

Move With The Same Folks

One among the dark,
One won’t feel dark.
One among the poor,
One won’t feel poor.

A Retaliation Measure

Though cute and fair your child is,
I have no liking to hug it
As you detest hugging my child,
Which is dark and low in breed.


Marketing determines success.
Maneuvering promotes success.
Swamis are not an exception.
Intelligent swamis amass wealth.

How Safe The World Could Be!

Had man remained as barbarian
Without civilization and family
Without science and discovery
And sans gods how safe the world could have been be!

Their Crooks

Members to parliament
Are elected by caste and creed.
Voters know some are crooks.
Yet they chose; they’ll be their crooks.

Learn From The Nature

Man came from monkey. Both are there.
Mammals evolved from reptiles and
Vertebrate from invertebrate.
The nature nurtures primitives too.

Corruption Is Cancer

The head is perfect with others corrupt.
Others are perfect with the head corrupt.
Both are same; the system is corrupt.
It’s like cancer growing in an organ.

The Non-Fighters

For him who rises against corruption,
Is he all that clean?
For him who rises against black money,
Is he all that clean?

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