Rm. Shanmugam Chettiar Poems

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Kya Kahna (What To Tell)

She was as innocent as water
And fell in love with a romantic hero.
He won one more feather to his cap.
She lost her only feather to his trap.


Maids only are engaged for household.
Men take care that their wives aren’t polluted
But the very maids are polluted by them.
No safety is to wives, not to maids as well.

Losers Seeks The Gainers

Wealth, health and the might
A man spends to seek a woman.
A loser.
A woman in turn to her delight

Woman Is The Link

It is the mother and the daughter
On whom you pin your hope,
And with whom you spin your relation.
They only provide you psycho link.

Break The Ice

He and she had for long a good friendship.
Neither he nor she let the other know
The concealed sex of their friendship.
It is better to break the ice to end or mend.

The Saprophyte- Holiest

Nobler than noble, holier than holy
Are the fungi that kill not any
That is alive, for their food
But only live on those dead.

Which Is Right?

Mount Everest is in north,
An Indian will say.
It is in south, a Chinese will say.
Neither is correct to the one in the space.

Who Is Not Selfish?

When there is a clash of interest
I support my nation against the rest,
My region against the rest,
My kin against the rest,

Love And Sex

He eyed for her flesh and she, for his wallet;
They bartered. Hearts away

She longed for a lad and he for, a chance;

To Be Homely Is Lovely

Women of beauty!
The intellectuals and the executives,
Simple with no extravaganza,
Still command men’s awe.

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