Roann Mendriq Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Spindle Of My Mind ©

Weaving golden memories,
in the spindle of my mind;
Adrift upon a silken breeze,
of patchwork so designed.

Writers' Block©

I think I'll try to write a line
that will be all completely mine;
Some mystic, clever, mellow rhyme,
that would also read as quite sublime.

Monsoon Magic ©

Water, water everywhere,
on the ground and in the air;
Water on the verdant trees,
Drizzling in the icy breeze;

Recipe Of Life ©

In my small and sunny kitchen,
in a flashing thought precise;
I stumbled on a precious,
treasure of advice.


Watching, waiting at the window,
Pointless pacing at the door;
Every breath beseeching, pleading,
seeks a heartbeat to implore.

Boat Beds©

Our bed is like an old sail boat,
Sailing on stormy seas;
Buffeted by the wild winds,
Tossed by the bossy breeze;

Needing Glasses ©

Only recently, I realised,
I'm in dire need of glasses;
And so I got myself a pair,
joining the peering masses.

He Will Make You Whole©

When you're told you're useless,
When every breath you take;
is presumed to be pretentious,
is accused of being fake.

Good Friday©

There's a quiet sense of silence,
There's a stillness everywhere;
A dark tranquility pervades,
the calmness in the air.

Falling Into Like

Is love for you
a gentle chore,
that keeps you wanting
more and more?

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