Robert Browning Poems

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How They Brought The Good News From Ghent To Aix

I sprang to the stirrup, and Joris, and he;
I galloped, Dirck galloped, we galloped all three;
``Good speed!'' cried the watch, as the gate-bolts undrew;
``Speed!'' echoed the wall to us galloping through;

Time's Revenges

I've a Friend, over the sea;
I like him, but he loves me.
It all grew out of the books I write;

Incident Of The French Camp

You know, we French stormed Ratisbon:
A mile or so away,
On a little mound, Napoleon
Stood on our storming-day;

Apparent Failure

No, for I'll save it! Seven years since
I passed through Paris, stopped a day
To see the baptism of your Prince,

The Lost Mistress

All's over, then: does truth sound bitter
As one at first believes?
Hark, 'tis the sparrows' good-night twitter
About your cottage eaves!

The Flight Of The Duchess

You're my friend:
I was the man the Duke spoke to;
I helped the Duchess to cast off his yoke, too;
So here's the tale from beginning to end,
My friend!


She should never have looked at me
If she meant I should not love her!
There are plenty ... men, you call such,
I suppose ... she may discover
All her soul to, if she pleases,

Aix In Provence

Christ God who savest man, save most
Of men Count Gismond who saved me!
Count Gauthier, when he chose his post,
Chose time and place and company

Never The Time And The Place

Never the time and the place
And the loved one all together!
This path--how soft to pace!
This May -- what magic weather!

Abt Volger

(after he has been extemporizing upon the musical instrument of his invention)

Would that the structure brave, the manifold music I build,

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