Robert L. Bixler III Poems

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In sleepy-eyed lay,
I dreamt of your beauty still.
The first since the day,


A thousand things I could say, still the words never leave my mouth
A thousand times I could have tried, still I fail my desires in conception
A thousand beats does my heart skip in anticipation of your arrival
A thousand lives must I live before the lines fall in place

Heart's Stocker

Turning the corner I see you,
Hanging with the guys I see you,
On the television I see you,
And even in my dreams I see you.

Scarlet Dream

Streams of scarlet melancholy
Are bled as I sleep,
And dream to weep
Of a life not given to me.


Sad, slow reflect of hopeful heart,
Brings this hopeless lover closure.
As I dream of emotional start,
It is present laments that obscure.

Jagged Blade Haze

If our hearts bled together,
Would it keep us form falling a part.
In losing you, I sever
My humanity from my heart.

Sorrowful Cries

Clouds of cold, dark depressant
Roll over my loathsome state.
Life has become boring suppressant
To this romantic’s lost love relate.

The Moment

A breath lost in the moment
Holds the very key to life.

A life lived within

Dancing In The Rain

As the thunder rolls in rhythmic claps,
Her sweet memory rides on cool wind.
My siren calls for heartfelt relapse,
As the nearing of isobars send

Zealous Touch

When does Love’s zealous touch
Delicately graze softened heart?
Is it only in a moment’s clutch
As the dew glistens in a gold start?

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