Rogers Joseph Brown

Rogers Joseph Brown Poems

I see the world dancing in the light of the crescent moon
Atop the rippled waves of a tropical lagoon
A thousand bits of silver light illuminate the darkest night
And all the mountains turn to sand as they succumb to the oceans hand

I found myself wandering lost in the night
a slave to the moon and her silver blue light
reflections of shadows danced in the trees
as the scent of lilacs swam through the breeze

I am the sum of all of the ghosts of thousands of lives that have long sense past.
My dreams seem eternally entombed in this coffin of blood soaked bones and mummified in these scarred pieces of tattered flesh.
I was birthed from the ashes and dust of a billion trillion dying stars.As the galactic core of my being takes form the stardust pumps through my vain's.
My fingers are but the countless broken pieces of lighting bolts scratching at the walls of infinite darkness.

I am the sum of all the ghosts
of billions of lives long since past.
My dreams seem eternally entombed
in this coffin of blood-soaked bones,

To live breath
Consume conceive
To fly so high
or fall and die

The Best Poem Of Rogers Joseph Brown

Light Of The Crescent Moon

I see the world dancing in the light of the crescent moon
Atop the rippled waves of a tropical lagoon
A thousand bits of silver light illuminate the darkest night
And all the mountains turn to sand as they succumb to the oceans hand
I gaze upon the rolling tide
Moonlight swaying side to side
Hypnotic waves seduce my eyes
Erotic visions mesmerize
Illusions emerge from the rolling mist
As the sunrise and the ocean kissed
Colors stream across the sky
So beautiful the heavens cry
The wind is screaming in my ear
Transparent waters crystal clear
Two hearts beat in perfect tune
Lost in the light of the crescent moon.

Rogers Joseph Brown Comments

Rogers Joseph Brown Quotes

There are time's in a persons life where the only expression of love they know or feel is the deep anguish and emptiness of loved ones they have lost along the way, and the warmth of the tears that slip silently from there eyes and fall to the earth beneath there feet when they think of them.

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