Romeo Michael Poems

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1,048 Miles

1,048 miles away
So far yet you’re so close
Still wishing I could reach out and pull you closer
So I could feel your touch

Damn Girl

damn girl
you just dont know..
you just dont know how incomplete i feel without you
you got me stressin

Erupting Volcano

Behind every smile that comes across my face
There's pain...
Pain eating away at my insides
Until I'm empty

Loving You Is So Hard To Do

Loving you is so hard to do
Knowing you don’t love me back
I can’t comprehend why
I’m not good enough

Complicated Relations

Complicated relations
Your love is my sedation
Blinding me with your lust
Thirsty for just a kiss

The Last Hour

Tears of blood
Flood my world
As I grip this pen
My world starts to spin

Lost Without You

& what can i do..
my heart still beats for you
yup its true
now my days are sad and blue

Suicide Boulevard

all aboard the suicide express
hop on in and release all stress
there's no more time to sit and be depressed
get everything off your chest


our relationship went up in flames like a crazy wild fire
but i just cant kick this desire
this desire to be with you
make all your dreams and wishes come true

In Her Eyes

I often question
Why does this amazing girl put up with my bitter ways?
Through thick & thin
From the very beginning until what I hope will never end

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