rommelmarkmarchan beyond poetica

rommelmarkmarchan beyond poetica Poems

Welcome to the most challenging job
on earth - the automotive repair mechanic

Trouble- shoot uncertainty

@ World tallest tower overlooking the 7-star hotel

Strange for having guts

Watch out!
Can't control the mind and
Classic pen
We're both running

Befriending of your enemy's enemy
is like a holding-hands-while-walking along
post-war meadow filled with
un-defused undetected landmines

@Dragon Mart, International City

From this scribbling pen to blue-line paper

I would prefer to be
out of racism
than to be

There's no talent as hidden
that you've been hiding -
a talent that you hide
is an ability that you possess

without a vision
Dubai would still be a desert

Are you a dreamer?
ask my subconcious mind.
Yes, I am, even the men of success
they are still dreaming too

Once we're such an empty vessel
forcibly pushed out by recession tide
except for yacht-handful crews
as tourists in cruise abide

If laughter is the best medicine,
how come my grandpa was declared
DOA (dead on arrival) ,

What makes man
By nature
A polygamous animal....

You are expecting me
To act perfectly

In a realm

When I speak of I me my mine
I really mean you
Whose life story is as
Challenging as mine

Think of nothing
Nothing to
Think of

No wonder
Why I
As I

Pen is running as
spark as think
(that's why I hate cluttering typing)
hard to chase its

Object proliferation
is a sick
and no panacea to cure
this urban sickness

I don't know if I had fallen asleep
when I woke up


Each picture of an OFW

rommelmarkmarchan beyond poetica Biography

this ain't a mere poetry this is journey....... in this so-called life AB POLITICAL SCIENCE MPA-1 '' you cannot edit with what is within'' - rmdmarchan dubai)

The Best Poem Of rommelmarkmarchan beyond poetica

2009...Boy Auto Mechanic

Welcome to the most challenging job
on earth - the automotive repair mechanic

Trouble- shoot uncertainty
Sipping fume of gasoline, diesel alike
Resurrecting oil dipstick, checking leak

marching pistons, drumming valves
Loose compressions complaining alternately
aggressive as the coup' d etat army
hot as the bomb shell inside
the black-blooded engine womb,
ready to explode

I can hear all their complains
The sucking and sobbing
I am here beneath rotten under chassis
and in my veins, in my bones, i feel it!

The grumbling alternator
The murmuring crankshaft
Leaking oil seeping down to my face
Under tight volts are shaking
Irking to my box wrench
seems demanding to quit

My feet flashing half with sunlight
Few white dusts all rushing inside
Still I lie down like death
Clinging handy mechanical tools as if the
Busiest on-the-job mechanic on earth

And nobody's questioning
this hidden technique
Even my expert boss
who feels self-pity
as Ive risen up and bathed in grease

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