Ronell Warren Alman Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Girl, It Is A Pity

That he has treated you so bad
He never really cared for you
It is no wonder why you are so sad

Girl, I Am Missing You Like Crazy

Girl, I am missing you like crazy
When you are not with me
I do not see your pretty face
Nor, can I feel your warm embrace

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve
The time is near
For every little girl and boy
To spread good holiday cheer

Girl, At The Break Of Dawn

Girl, at the break of dawn
It is your pretty face that I see
What a pleasant sight it is
To see you laying next to me

Girl, Your Pretty Face (Part 2)

Girl, your pretty face
And your beautiful smile
Works its' wonders
Because it drives me wild

Do Not Ever Give Up

You have to be willing to try
Learn to stand tall
When your back is against the wall

The Harder The Battle

The harder the battle
The sweeter the victory
Everyone has to struggle
The road is never easy

Very Astute

Always alert and smart
Not settling for second best
Sharp from the start

Never Give Up

Always be willing to try
Do not lose hope
Just reach for the sky

Remove Yourself From The Clouds

Remove yourself from the clouds
They are standing in your way
Always promote the positive
Look towards brighter days

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