Ronell Warren Alman Poems

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The Choice Is Always Yours

The choice is always yours
Always try a little harder
Just keep on studying
Make yourself better

How Bad Do You Want It?

How bad do you want it?
Always lift yourself up
Be about your business
Continue to rise to the top

With Each Brand New Day

With each brand new day
We start all over again
There are new tasks to tackle
That is the plan my friend

Just Keep It Moving

Just keep it moving
And stay on course
You will eventually get where you need to be
Utilize that reliable source

The Voices Are Always There

The voices are always there
And the words have been spoken
We are there to listen for understanding
In order to make our own destinations

Adept And Adroit

Adept and adroit
Skillful they are
Always willing to go above and beyond
They strive to reach for the stars

Always Be Driven From Within

Always be driven from within
Be the one who achieves
Set your standards high
Put your mind to it and believe

Girl, When We Lay Together By The Fire (Part 2)

Girl, when we lay together by the fire
We cherish one another completely
Nothing but comfort and support
And love one another deeply

It Is The End Of Another Year

It is the end of another year
A time to step forward
More blessings await you
Just move onward and upward

Enhance Yourself For The New Year

Enhance yourself more
As we are into the new year
Broaden your mind more
Always bring good cheer

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