RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Independent Nature

Wheeling in all directions, not able to go one way, because there's too many avenues to explore.
Wanting to concentrate, yet also needing to expand my mind through an enlightenment of bluened atmospheres.
Given extraordinary measures to follow my independent nature along edges of forests, up mountainous heights and trails along ocean shores.
Reaching for mysterious shells, wanting to know what they contain and how they can be written into a mountainous forest.

Ribbons Of Thought

Ribbons of thought waving in an airy mind, filled with rapturous joy.
Stationed tantalizingly inside, awaiting exploration of renewal, imaging thoughts, taking on new styles, fitting them comfortably wherever they happen to be.
Taking words, placing them in orders known only to God, forming in the end great works of poetry.

Sleepless Meanings

Walking nowhere, scuffling along lanes of despair, crying into chalices of remorse, not seeing clearly.
A heavy mist clouds my sight, yet feelings are intensified by saddened recollections of yesterday's memories.
Touching areas hurting within, absorbing the pain with my mind and heart, falling heavily into past moments, alone and forsaken.
Reaching for hands that never reach out to save me from an interior abandonment in hellish nightmares.

Identifying With Songs

Being written in blank verses, life falls into patterns designed to be kept hidden within.
Being brought out only in sounds of music being sung on stages of performance among crowds of people looking for someone to love or confide in.
Identifying with songs the band is singing - the only delight they receive is a daylight concert.

Tracks Of Fate

Riding the train of life into future tracks of fate,
sensing derailments and crashes along the way.

Aging Happiness

Striding along pathways made by others, choosing not
to follow their footsteps.
Instead, creating my own, walking where I imagine I
can go.

Organized Serenity

Genuflecting nicely on steps before the altar,
praying for peace, delving into depths of
organized serenity.

Exploring Nature

Children gathered in an automatic circle, looking down,
examining a baby cricket.
Exclaiming how little and cute it is - taking care and
finding food for it to eat.

Inner Mysteries

Strings holding thoughts, tying them down to earth to keep them from floating away into depths of the universe or outer space.
Catching every phrase as it falls into my mind, illuminating the clues needed to explain the mysteries of an inner environment.

Ebony Twilight

Darkening lights, simmering in ebony twilight,
watching daylight disappear right before their

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