RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Being Filled With Pleasure

Filled with pleasure at the start of every day, enjoying the
morning sun as it fills me with warmth and vitamin D, letting
it entice positive moods and attitudes to fill me constantly.


Silently retiring in the midst of a hectic and busy day,
watching all the activity as it hits me squarely with
it's motion daily.

Showing The Way To Heaven

Driving along the highway, mountains coming alongside
the truck as I drive through them.

Sharply pointing towards the heavens, showing the way

Dining In Duncan, Arizona

Loving the U.S.A., rocking in a little western restaurant here
in Duncan, Arizona, enjoying the quaint atmosphere and antique
relics of days gone by.

Restaurant On Main Street

Still here, sitting, waiting for our lunch being prepared back
in the kitchen, looking around, seeing an old tree trunk with
different cattle brands on it in the center of the restaurant.

Centuries Old Atmosphere

Four plus hours through the beauty of Arizona, mountains, deserts,
farms full of cotton fields and corn, boulders everywhere when
coming to the Dragoon Mountains where Indians hid out in the past.

Like Minds

Reaching into depths of this intellect, collecting memories and
images of the past, connecting them to the present, hoping they
will still remain in future visions.

Looking Out Windows

Peering out the restaurant windows, watching people walk by,
cars traveling through town, everyone just passing through
or stopping to eat some lunch.

Battered Life

Life battered, still living at times, wondering why and how it
happens, walking down back roads of my mind, blackened by sad-
ness and sorrow, intensely touching my heart with salted tears
through the years.

Lonely Shadows Of Life

Lonely shadows hanging their heads as they follow sadly behind,
not knowing what's happened, just reflecting the moods of those
they are attached to through the light of the sun creating them.

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