RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Bed Of Unfulfilled Dreams

Day is disappearing slowly, methodically, like a melody being
played instrumentally and then fading into another time.

Eventually disappearing into a silent future beyond even

Silent Beauty Of Subconsciousness

Dwelling in depths of subconsciousness, cognizant of it's silent
beauty as rhythms play in processions of quiet serenity, giving a
delicate softness to innocent recollections interiorly.

Living In Tomorrow's Vision

Living, trying to get it right, not knowing which direction to go,
guessing and hoping for the best, days and nights now blending,
practicing the wonder and mystery of this life.

Shadows Of Light

Watching people dancing, darkness enveloping the environment out-
doors while shadows of light reverberate against this mind, strobe
lights glistening like colors of sound.

Soothing Rebellious Attitudes

Musical rhythms delighting this poetical mind, soothing it's quiet
rebellious attitudes and moods through writing of poetry.

Imagining solitude while being captivated in colors and mist of

Avenues Of Enlightenment

Slowly galloping down memory lane, recollecting past good times
and meaningful relationships that have stood the test of time.

Avenues of enlightenment creating designs of tomorrow's visions

Runway Of Time

Rocking to melodies, keeping time on runways of time, entering
rhythm's hidden hallways and passages of thought, carefully
evaluating and gathering information for future poetry.

Infrastructure Of A Poetical Brain

Reaching deeply into the infrastructure of a poetical brain,
rhythms tickling and bringing a tantalizing feeling of mixed
emotions to the surface.

Soulful Love

Looking deeply into your eyes, seeing your innocent and beautiful
soul shining and filled with love, touching this soul of mine so
gently and tenderly.

Driving Out Negativity

Beating rhythmically into crevices of mind and heart, driving
out negativity and moods of despair, leaving no room for them
in this intense melody.

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