Living The Song Poem by RoseAnn V. Shawiak

Living The Song

Letting you into my heart, learning slowly to trust you,
yet keeping you at a distance until I'm sure you are
what I want and need in my life.

Undecided, yet definitely filled with an unconditional
love being held onto for only you, unsure what keeps me
from coming to you totally.

Heart yearning to be with you, but something within stands
between us, thinking of you every moment of the day and
night doesn't change that equation somehow.

Fearing giving myself to you fully and only, a step I'm not
quite ready to take intellectually, yet my heart wants to
take it and grasp yours forever.

Silently wanting to be with you only, moving closer, then
running away, waiting for you to take me down paths of your
forgiving and unconditional love, baby.

Knowing that when you decide to make me yours, I will give
my all, fears dwindling in front of the trust and love that
you'll show me at last.

Finally we two becoming one in all aspects of life, loving
together, always in unison throughout our years together,
living the song of our lives finally in our love.

Tuesday, November 1, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: poem
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