RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Totally Alone

In tune with grief's mood, pulling me along through trails
of lonely sadness, falling into puddles, unable to come out
of them.
Filled with remorse and sorrow, attempting to continue life's

Remembered Eternally

Penetratingly intense melodies find their way into my
interior being without any problems.
Kicking and pushing, lively energy taking over every
particle of innate talent, spreading it throughout

Yesterday's Place

Reticence fading into twilight years of tomorrow,
insinuating itself no longer on earth's shores.
Beaming fragrantly into beings of substance and

Etudes In Flight

Frolicking in pastimes of music, enjoying it's feelings
of rhythm as it fills me with a satisfying soul of tone
and reverberations.
Tickling my insides with merriment and elation, I travel


Once again sitting amongst Prescott's pine trees,
line in the water, just feeding the fishes.

Gusting winds murmuring through tops of pines,

Troubled Reflections

Wind rippling across the lake, creating sparkling beauty
and diamond treasures that can never be held or worn.
Blue skies carrying white cumulus clouds across the water,
trying to see themselves in troubled reflections.

Selfish Wants

Attempting to relax and sooth inner nature,
recharge my batteries like I used to when our
boys were growing up.

Children's Stories

Little children, tousled and happy, running around,
catching crawfish and getting dirty.
Running back and forth on a floating pier, imagining
any number of fish stories to relate, when they get

Rushing Nature

Swirling against calm waters,
nature rushes to and fro.

Creating criss-cross ripples

Darkened Trails

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