RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Rhythmically Waving

Reflections looking in at a room full of people
dancing and having a good time.
Brilliant smiles sitting on faces, being reflected
from hearts of beautiful music, shining forth from

Bluest Memories

Pounding rhythms vibrating my soul with fervor and joy.
Slicing into dreams of future horizons with bluest
memories tearing in my eyes, pulling me into a reverie,
thinking backwards in time.

Unrehearsed Thoughts

Unrehearsed thoughts melting into fibers of my being,
fondling mind waves of perpetual ideas.
Feelings soaring upward into atmospheres unheard of

Wild Rivers

Flamboyant rivers careening through my mind,
gathering all material stored in times of
harried distress, taken out now on rafts of

Patches Of Corduroy

Twilight fills this mind with stars of universal
platitudes, decorating themselves and hiding on
Portrayals, never-ending, inside of picture

Elastic Thought

Mattresses of time, spreading over infinite darkness,
waiting for linens and blankets to cover me with
elastic thought.
Counting measures with notes of defiance, beating to

Doing It His Way

Memorializing unions of many thoughts on shores I
sought out, to do things my way to survive the
desperation of my emptiness.
Regrets at times when I think of what we had, yet

Past Snowstorms

All of eternity is held in hands of God as He watches
our love for Him being expressed through our gifts
and talents.

Ancient Tokens

Parading down avenues of lights reaching out to me,
seeking fulfillment of nature's wilderness.
Ancient tokens, sending messages from above, waltzing
towards images stuck in walls of photos, hanging

Scrabbles Of Words

Fluttering in my heart starts when I hear your voice
singing songs of midnight, as candles glower in minds,
lifting moods skywards.

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