RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Imaginative Sphere

Running into meadows and fields of imagination, creating
flowers along the way, colors of the rainbow being spread
around on blossoms growing out of it.

Self - Reliant Poetical Nature

Glancing into picturesque landscapes as I ride
through on an inner train, it's lonely whistle,
echoing feelings within, watching scenery flow
past quickly.

Enjoying Freedom In Death

Leaves hopping, skipping, jumping, sliding, tumbling
over one another in an afternoon breeze.

Joyful and free they play, enjoying their freedom

Nature's Sanctity

Showing the world it's sanctity, nature flows so
magnificently in front of us.

Streaming along in every part of life, giving us

Nature's Examples

Twittering down paths of imagination, enjoying the worms
and bugs in front of them, birds live freely and indepen-

Loving The Adventure

Interacting with the younger generation is very
invigorating and a great learning experience.

Meeting many teens on the parks and rec side at

Living In My Creations

Deep within jungles of the mind, lonely wild calls of
animals that habitate there can be heard through my

Created Spontaneously

Notions and ideas are plentiful, rising from intellect
and being created spontaneously all the time.

Filling spaces in minds that are always active and ready

Lonely Career

Hangers being filled with words, meanings, definitions
that continually soar into the atmosphere of poetry.

Beautiful patterns being formed from beginning designs

Assembling Clouds

Clouds gathering like moss around the north side of a
tree, a special look at how they contain themselves in
groups innately and are never taught to do so.

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