RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Moods Of Sorrow

Going deeply into subconscious realms, feeling the intense moods of sorrow's solace.
Taking me below freezing points of grief where I am frozen in memories of beatitudes.
Clasped tightly as doors close upon my mind, always shutting out the noise of the world.

Silent Avenues

Racing down avenues of silent stillness, pacing myself in case I may miss something.
Wondering whatever might come into view when I'm not looking.

Manifesting A World

Beginning Understanding

Sounding far and away, touching,
pushing all senses out into the open where
they can be felt with unsurpassed emotions.
Keeping quite to self, yet wanting expressions

Fate's Sphere

Softly tangling itself in my brain, giving me a sense of tomorrow's destiny.
Floating before me in visions of fantastic surroundings - in the midst of nature's silence.
Catering to my existence, soothing frayed nerves with perception and extrasensory detection of inner saddened music.


Sound and tone of her voice trembles inside, touching strings of musical aptitude deeply within my being.
Stressing the tones of each note as it quickly finds it's place in my memory.

Peaceful Attitudes

Finding myself inside a cafe, listening to customers sing karaoke quite well.
There isn't any sadness hiding around corners or peeking inside my mind.
Total concentration giving me peaceful attitudes and a calming sense, while shutting out the rest of the world.
Exciting interior emotions as they fill me with beautiful sounds.

Time Has Fled

Sorrowful thoughts handed to me in a bouquet filled with memories of a lifetime.
Standing in lines of bequeathed admonitions, wondering where time has fled,

Life's Ride

Reflections, colorfully shining on black and white photos,
bringing ideas to the forefront, keeping time with the

Unsolicited Memories

Snow white memories, pure and unsolicited, flood my mind with goodness and joy of the past.
Leaving my rhythm in tune with special emotions fitting nicely in a pattern of joy.

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