RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Levels Of Forgiveness

Whether you are near or far we are close together in mind and heart.
Our virtues mingle and combine, radiating the beauty of God we hold within.
Lighting up the world around us with purpose and disciplined faith, taking in stride the apoplexy of sudden strife.
Building upon the stairway to heaven, levels of forgiveness.


Stranded in mid-life, aware of impending old age
creeping upon me much too soon.
Trampling underfoot, memories collide, striving
to be heard among anger blaring alongside.

Petals Of A Mind

Waving gently from beyond depths of knowledge, personal identity hides.
Afraid to let itself be known, forging pathways of it's own.
Needing no one to lead the way, prefers to explore new byways of it's own choosing.
Life experiences are multiplied this way and wisdom grows with youthful thought to a land of wonder and awe.

Irony Of Life

Irony of life is that of being lived daily without a single
known reason for doing so.

What are the methods of routine? Why are we so involved in

Rude Yearnings

Awakening rudeness climbing inwardly, taking it's time to grow proportionately.
Whiling away the precipitous mourning of alternative clamoring, anticipating harmony of glorious moments while filing away
liveliness sitting in the parlor of yesterday.
Proclaiming the anniversary of inner yearnings left over from

Heart's Depths

Sorrow pours from my eyes on traditional mornings as
memories pop in like popcorn, hitting me squarely in
depths of my heart where I sit hiding.
Delicately touching strings of intuition and blessings, focusing my mind on the heaviness I feel quietly inside.

Beyond Life

Rich in words, beliefs and sorrow, tended in lonely
mansions of tomorrow's interchanges.
Veiling blue shadows through yesterday's funerals,
watching for omens of life now past.

Beds Of Satin

Deep in my heart, feelings stir, quelling any doubts
of insincere thoughts.
Lying on fragile beds of lace, not wanting to journey
past indignant meanings, standing to sides of pathways, regretting their existence.

Memory History

Lively, unanticipated music, singing to my heart's mind
with verve and vigor.
Enlightening my morning, stepping up a mood of enjoyment,
and filling me with elation.

Relentless Rhythms

Relentlessly pounding the air around me, pulverizing tirelessly, all beats of rhythms in my mind.
Leaking out of circles, gathering about notes that
never retire.
Following carelessly, steps being made up as I go on.

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