RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Interior Twilight

Rocking to rhythms around firelight of yesterday's camp fire,
being lit, illuminating midnight darkness so life can be seen
and touched once again.

Forsaken Terms

Riding through alleys of my mind, looking for the wreckage
that has been left behind on forlorn pavements of disrepair
and long forsaken terms of life.

Championing Diversity

Watching the beauty of nature flowing all around in a
silent rhythm, contributing to the peace that has come
upon me here.

Moment Of Today

Galloping away into the cool evening twilight, taking nothing
but a quiet aptitude to reminisce about all the times we've

Bluest Symphony

Branches hanging down over the essence of my mind, giving
expressions to use in time with the unity of rhythm.

Directing into quality of life deserved, seeing landscapes

Lost Images

Lost images, totally forgotten in sands of time,
lost on an invisible horizon from behind.

Rising and ebbing with the tide, life captures

Enjoying Interior Sensations

Every day we sweat the little things instead of saving our
worry and energy for the bigger ones that are sure to come
into our existence.

Shadows Leading Me

Feeling the way through this maze of turmoil, taking every
twist and turn in this life of mistaken purposes.

Evenly taking short cuts whenever possible, still seeming

Wondering Moments

Looking into mirrors, reflecting the beauty of love, sitting
quietly in my eyes.

Shining brightly, sharing my heart with you in all of it's

Interior Light Shining

Singly dawdling along a long and tiring lane, being
tired of the long journey and it's complicated stance
in pathways of expectations and possibilities.

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