RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Void Of Literature

Writing explicitly into the day and night, letting
feelings and emotions flow effortlessly into the
void of literature.

What I Call An Aging Maturity

There comes a point in everyone's life when they reach
what I call an aging maturity, having done things in
younger days to cheat, ignore, treat others like they
don't matter at all.

Inner Music And Rhythm

Attaching life to music every moment, alive, vibrant,
awesome rhythms taking me tiptoeing through gardens
of heaven and earth.

Giving Thoughts Energy

Time is precious throughout the night, moments slipping
by silently in the darkness as we sleep, or as in my
case as I write.

Saying What We Are Not

Our world has been turned inside out and we are unbalanced
by the dizzying heights being reached by bigots and racists
trying to say that is what all Americans are about.

Giving Meaning To Loneliness

Precious moments taking me by the hand, graciously leading
forward into a journey of liberty.

Beautiful atmospheres floating through skies of lightened

Wisdom And Knowledge

Beauty touching interiorly on landscapes being separated
into many different poems.

Forming ingenious sections of wisdom and knowledge with

Silent Nature

Silent nature falling quietly upon my shoulders,
hugging and keeping me close.

Watching gray and black clouds gathering for a

Searching For Convictions

Searching for convictions held for so long, ivy has grown
over them from many years of disuse.

Life having gotten so busy that they are dormant, watching

Plateau Of Relief

Music blaring, mind partying among notes and rhythm,
enjoying the beauty of harmony and melody at my beck
and call.

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