RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Designs Of Perception

Continuing education being given through interior wisdom,
which has been opened wide within this being.

Alert, awake and aware, enjoying the pleasant videos of

Winter Waiting

Cool Arizona winter morning, waiting outside the pain
center for someone to open and unlock the door.

Looking out across the parking lot, watching traffic

Looking Out From Within

Thinking being held closely, as I enjoy the peaceful
pleasure of it, dancing in imagination.

Entering gateways of fantasy, coming alive in these

Interiorly Satisfied

Racing into skyways, soaring on tips of pens,
enticing words to fall onto paper.

Gathering momentum, reeling from the speed of sound,

Guiding Senses

Gardens of Eden lie before us in magnificent
splendor, giving off varied colors, passing
through many dimensions even as I watch them
this very moment.

Sensuous Depths

Flowering in depths of mind gardens, watching beginning buds
open their eyes, slowly blossoming through the morning.

Beautiful essences cooperating with artistic grace as it

Standing Trees

Looking out the windows, seeing trees beckoning shyly
here inside.

Major varieties of them, all standing about, some regal,

Noticing Interior Decorations

Scattered around are pieces of modern art, some stretching
in bodies of sculptures, dancing in time without moving an

Intense Pictures

So explicitedly clear, every detail magnified walking up the
many mountains in my mind, effortlessly climbing, not even
out of breath on the steepest parts.

Increasing Knowing

Discovering many moments of
peaceful intuitity, watching
as this mind is increasing in
silent knowing of things

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