RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Pocket's Edges

Little children taking time as it comes, enjoying every moment
given to them.
Expectantly wondering with curiosity always sitting on edges
of life.

Lone Drummer

Pounding ivories gently with an innate rhythm,
beating to it's own drummer as it marches on
newly-made pathways.
Keeping to itself, privatizing thoughts on

Little John

Intense feelings of becoming grief, knowing now that little
John has inoperable cancer of the brain and can die at any

Finding Identities

Flowering within, so many feelings,
I can't keep track of them as they
mix and blend themselves into my

Ships Of Rhythm

Softly camouflaging life under scores of poems,
taking it all to new depths on ships of silent

Solar Events

Becoming full swing, parading alongside the pool to
next destinations to embrace events planned by Cigna.

Traipsing soundly into circumferences of play, taking

Dropping Sweat

Despite the heat touching my mind, life is turning
inside out, programming itself to the temperature
of feelings within.

Poetical Answers

Asking questions, wanting to place answers in poems so I may read and understand everything I can in life.
Constructing new venues to think among and steering myself into volumes of music.

Backstage Crew

Backstage Crew, a live band at Buddy Stubbs, playing all the songs I love to hear.
A wonderful time for a musician like me to listen and write unending poetry.
Listening with every sense, tasting notes, feeling them in my soul, seeing them through colorful visions, touching them with my mind, bringing everything thoughtful to fruition.

Tomorrow's Exiled Life

Being the same place it's been for the last seven years I've been coming here, yet it's different - no longer holding any purpose in my life now that friends have gone away.
Memories hurt and scar my mind with once close friendships now gone, having abandoned me to the wayside in tomorrow's exiled life.

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