RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Mysterious Reputation

Escaping the lime light, hiding out in a cafe
of undisturbed reticence.
Curling up in corners of musical composition
as lights are dimmed and fall asleep.

Final Picture Of Life

Reflections of moonlight giving me pause,
hoping to ease myself onto shores,
leisurely finding the way into edges of
behavior, fitting for someone who loves

Anger Needling Within

Reaching for feelings I lost so long ago
when my parents died and left me an orphan.
Seething anger uncomfortably needling me within,
pushing me into depths of loneliness I don't want

Understanding Early Languages

Dreaming of blossoms, throwing their
aromas into winds of my interior rhythm's,
causing a pilgrimage to begin in early
evening, in lands of contemplative mirrors.

Dense Rhythm

Tracing patterns into dense beats of rhythm,
forsaking everyday experiences just to be in
the midst of intense immersion.

No Interference

Smiling interiorly as music and it's rhythm calms and soothes my brain.
Releasing feelings stressing me is a wonderful euphoria to my intellect and soul where wisdom lies in anticipation.
Gently, laid to rest, no more hopes or dreams, just tones of rhythm keeping me in a quiet, serene atmosphere that no one can interfere with no matter how loud or insistent they happen to be.

Pressing Ambiguity

Secluded Loneliness

Talking into eternity,
watching for signs of peaceful acquiescence.
Traipsing down avenues of secluded loneliness,
finding particles of anticipation lying around,

Hidden Tensions

Wind shivering through trees, shaking them, mercilessly without reprieve, hoping to find some sense in what they're doing on earth's shores.
Listlessly tantalizing unusual feelings, touching upon severe tensions hiding within, wanting to be released and sent away.
Noting that only bits of stress are released at a time, evenly keeping time with adjusting beats of rhythms in yesterday's melodies.

Always Questioning

Silently investigating questions of life-long ambitions as they are felt indefinitely in places of intellect.
Always questioning, pushing away, pulling self afar - keeping distance from authority so I can be myself and independent all days of my life.

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