RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Calculating Energy

Walking along lone pathways, casually looking around,
noticing everything, enjoying pleasant sensations that
are touching me through nature's fulfillment.

Listening To Sounds Of Darkness

Pressing keys of enticing chords, filling me with a supply
of unending energy that keeps me going throughout the night,
listening to sounds of darkness.

Mathematical Poetry Journey

Watching as life takes me on silent journeys through
interior universes, going in and out of other dimen-
sions, living in their refreshing new concepts.

Dr. P.Y.

Waiting patiently in a doctor's waiting room, knowing he
has my best interest at heart.

Meticulous and thorough, taking notes and following through

Still Yawning

A new day dawning and I'm still yawning on the
other side of the world.

Sleep approaching as nighttime descends upon my

Giving Away Time

Waking to a new morning, watching life rise and get
moving, people getting ready for or going to work,
taking their children to school, going shopping.

Pursuing New Prospects

Leaving everything behind, wanting to pursue new prospects,
new challenges, move into another sphere of life, recognize
ing facts of living can sometimes stagnate over the years.

Challenging Intellect

Watching for changes in patterns of life, welcoming them
with open arms, loving how they affect my state of mind,
taking me into a realm of impossibility.

Uplifting Experience

Being outdoors at a bar-b-que, enjoying the Arizona sun-
shine at a Senior Center in Sunnyslope, looking about,
mountains surrounding the park where I'm sitting.

Everyone Smiling Inwardly

Tantalizing atmosphere touching my soul, giving my spirit
a positive and enticing mood, lifting this heart into a
happier time as I sit and write of the beauty in life.

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