RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Sensually Getting In The Mood

Sun burning, scorching earth in the heat of summer,
making us sweat as we walk through the desert, hand
in hand, softly talking, loving being together.

Canyons Where Our Love Echoes

A lasting love filling us completely, taking us into
many beautiful and picturesque canyons, where our love
echoes all around.

Contemplative Fulfillment

Penetrating feelings of love encompassing my being with
a deep and abiding spirituality.

Never wanting to lose it's intensity and fruitfulness

Total Stranger

At times we come to a crossroads in our lives, suddenly
losing sight of the goals we've set for ourselves and
wanting to give up entirely.

Blinded By Abandonment

Beating my head against a brick wall, stubbornly wanting
to be only with you, baby, yet you don't even know that
I exist.

Going Out Of Self

Tolerating this life by going out of self and helping
others who need assistance.

Always finding it rewarding, more important than any-

Knowing Beauty

Living within limits of life, finding destiny through
God, only.

Taking paths that lead to heaven and not into earth's

Inner Chords

Feeling the vibrancy of life as it fills me with purpose
and liveliness of an interior spirituality.

Taking chances every day, not being in any hurry, just

Staying In Isolation

Energizing every fiber of my being as I listen to rhythms
of various melodies.

Standing firm as life hits me from all sides, nothing to

Promise Of Interior Spirituality

Rhythmically racing against time just for the fun of it,
placing words into the midst of rapid rhythms, watching
them flow into an interior waterfall.

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