RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Power Of Sadness And Sorrow

Power of sadness and sorrow comes intensely through music and
rhythms, grasping hearts while listening, feelings flowing
freely now.

Mind Blowing Senses

Striding down roads in life, thinking being done deep in our minds,
almost totally day-dreaming in an afternoon sun.

Mind-blowing senses of rhythm blossoming into songs of delight,

Enlightened By Love

Living in depths of my soul, being enlightened by your unconditional
love taking me beyond the borders of an interior desert where all
loneliness has been left to fend for itself.

Motion Of Music

Motion of music circling everyone's minds with tinsel strength
rhythms, jolting our intellects into their depths of reality
as tempos jump up and down scales of maturity.

Love Reminded

Love being reminded by this lonesome heart as it beats sorrowful
melodies of memories past.

Falling totally into the depths of an unconditional love with a

Gentlemanly Manners

Gentlemanly manners taken onto the dance floor, asking lonely
women if they'd like to dance, bringing smiles to their faces
as they reach out their hands.

Hammered By A Drummer

Rhythms being hammered by a fantastic drummer and lead guitar
player on stage, rolling down the chords like a locomotive.

Feverishly intense, driving everyone along with their tempos

Blue Jean Music

Blue jean music touching an interior identity that is strong
and sweet, tantalizing heart and soul intimately, a soul-
searching aspect having been fulfilled to capacity.

War - Torn Heart

Tenderly, gently, notes of music making love to a war-torn heart,
battered and bruised by deceit and cheating, only a devil could
ever love like that and leave someone suddenly.

Heart Tripping

Sun sets daily, as we continue to travel through life, holding
onto hope that seems to dwindle steadily through the years, mind
stretching in many directions.

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