RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Ready - Aim -.....

Rattling cages of we Americans brings about We the People,
ready to rip apart all evil people looking to ruin our

Lights Dimming

Lights now dimming, as We the People unite and join our
Veterans in another Civil War right here in the U.S.A.,
Never giving up our freedom, independence or Constitution.

Placing Lead Reminders If Needed

Sailing down the highway of living, secure in a cocoon
where no one can ever reach the one hiding desperately

Empty Feelings Of Love

You never sang me love songs, never did give any flowers
although we've been married just about forty-three years

Not Ever Love

Rhythms always talking to this mind and intellect,
giving purpose and meaning to what was forever
felt in this heart of a not-ever-love.

Acknowledgement Or Recognition

Apples of eyes looking into one another's, placing
questions of love into depths of promises that need
to be expressed.

Lips Meeting For The Very First Time

Magic moments are opening up so gently and surprisingly
in the moonlit night as we two went walking along shores
of brilliance holding hands.

Tasting Energy In Colors Of Sound

Slow and steady, galloping down dusty trails,
entering another tomorrow filled with bravery
and talent, singing steadily, raising caine.

Temptations Of Wanton Abandonment

Light and easy does it, as rhythms light up, leading every-
one into darkened tunnels of what might be needed in the
futures of lovers.

Talented Couple Of Love Coming Together

Tall, handsome, a positive attitude that shines from within
his heart and soul, traveling on air currents throughout
this night.

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