RoseAnn V. Shawiak Poems

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Endless Questions

A lasting impression etched within a mind of creativeness, allotting a myriad of visions to enter picturesque landscapes.
Prayerfully anticipating answers to endless questions in life.
Always being disappointed as steps are taken backwards into areas of past dismay.

A Peaceful Beginning

Swaying easily, gently lying back,
resting in God's arms as I wait to expire in His time.
Waiting for reality to end, pain to be removed forever,
then heading towards a peaceful beginning at the edge

New Angles Of Thought

Flowing down river, watching scenic views catch my eye as I wade through a maze of memories.
Thinking of new angles of thought, playing finitely with elegant lace caught on edges of my mind.
Delicately taking promises to heart and disappearing beneath a haze of dreams, finding staying awake is much too difficult to do.

Detrimental Omens

Scattered throughout life are omens, detrimental to our well-being.
Taking away from thoughts that we need not be without.
Thinking about what is going on around us, helps to keep stress away and takes us into a zone where we can be comfortable and calm.

Cavity Of Loneliness

Emptiness fills my soul as I sit alone in a blue crystal tear garden. Touching emotional images tucked away in my inner mind, awaiting memories it brings so closely to my heart as it soaks within a cavity of loneliness.

Shadowing Cells

Softly, silent, traipsing along inner avenues of picturesque scenery, finding many areas of enlightenment.
Shadowing cells of intimate derivatives, while creating magnificent illusions of fantasy among subconscious ideals.

Thoughtful Books

Gently I soothe integrated images with visions of yesterday.
Longing to go back in time, basking in the love of grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins - all of family.
Holding onto meanings, writing them legibly into books of thoughtful poetry.

Fulfilling Vows

Riding waves of anticipation, thrilling to senses of talent as they are being utilized on an evening of joyous contemplation.
Knowing of a positive attitude within, excelling in every department and portraying the best of intellect as it circles daily life on it's way to shores beyond our scope and view.
Sensing their presence,

Wasted Advantages

Allowances are never given for those who deserve them,
they are invariably wasted on those who take advantage
of others, and left to their own devices, ruin it for
many who would appreciate the chance.

Shining Knowledge

Domains of integrity dwell inside of us,
hiding until a certain situation comes up.
Then we shine with an inner knowledge that
becomes us in days of our future on earth.

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