Roy Allen Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Today... 'The Alpha And Omega'

The Alpha and Omega is Your great name.
The Beginning and the End, forever the same.
There before the dawning of life upon the earth.
And at the end You will be, at creations new birth.

Today... 'Architect And Builder'

Ere time elapsed or creation began
You drew up Your wondrous salvation plan.
A mighty universe was to be made
through which Your glory would be displayed

Today... 'Christ The King Of Israel'

Rejected and spurned they just would not receive
Him as Christ the king and they did not believe.
but there they crucified Him upon that hill
and platted a crown of thorns mocking Him still.

Today... 'Everlasting God'

Do you not know the Lord is the Everlasting God?
Creator of the ends of earth and its pathways trod.
Have you not heard that He neither grows tired or weary?
He is awesome and incomprehensible to me.

Today... 'The Crown Of Glory'

A diadem of beauty Your head adorns
and a Crown of Glory replaces the thorns.
The hosts of angels behold the wondrous sight
of their glorious King enthroned in light.

Today... 'The Arm Of The Lord'

Your mighty holy arm has been laid bare
the salvation of the Lord to declare
and all the ends of the earth can now see
the great mercy that God has shown to me.

Today... 'The Firstborn Of Every Creature'

At the threshold of time before life had begun
there stood the Only Eternally Begotten Son.
He was the image of the Invisible God
the Firstborn of all creatures and the Living Word.

Today... 'God Alone'

Silently my soul waits for God alone
Who reigns upon the heavenly throne.
For He's the True and Living One
and Jesus Christ is His Only Son.

Today... 'The Glory Of Israel'

The Glory of Israel is not a mere man
who changes his mind whenever he can.
But He is reliable, faithful and true
and to Him all praise and glory is due.

Today... 'Fortress Of Salvation For His Anointed One'

A Fortress of Salvation is the Lord
the strength of all those trusting in His word.
The shepherd of His people and their shield
a mighty stronghold that will never yield.

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