Roy Allen

Roy Allen Poems

In the beginning was the Word.
Before the dawn of time He stood.
Spoke creations word 'Let there be'
beginning this worlds destiny.

“Behold, The Lamb of God is passing by.”
“Follow Him, ” was John the Baptist’s cry.
For He’ll take away all of this world’s sin
and open heaven’s door to let us in.

Hope that's a certainty
Hope steadfast and sure
Hope for eternity
Hope that will endure

The light of the knowledge of the glory of God
can be seen in the face of Jesus Christ my Lord.
The exact representation of His being
is shown when The Spirit enlightens our seeing.

'I am the Living Bread.'
'Eat of me and live', He said
'Manna from heaven on high
only Christ can fully satisfy.'

The ninety and nine in the fold safely lay
But this one sheep had foolishly gone astray
And as he lay bleating all lost and afraid
The Good Shepherd heard his cry and came to his aid

Eternal Life. Death has no hold on You
for a sinless life You lived Faithful and True.
When time shall cease and worlds no longer be
You shall live on throughout eternity.

Faithful One unchanging in all Your ways
Living God and The Ancient of Days.
Keeper of Covenants, merciful to all
that obey Your commands and hear Your call.

I was intricately woven upon His heavenly loom
As He carefully knit me together in my mothers womb
In that most secret of places where my conception took place
Ready at the time of my birth to enter the human race

The vastness of the universe is held within His hands
and time throughout eternity keeps all of His commands.
Omnipotent in His power and wonderful in His ways
He's the Lord God Almighty, the Ancient of all Days.

Oh sweet, sweet Rose of Sharon.
God's wonderful Beloved Son.
Such beauty and love unfurled
when You blossomed in our world.

'I'll pass over you when I see the blood'
This was the wonderful promise of God
The blood has been shed and the price is paid
The Passover Lamb on the alter laid.

No more a destitute orphan am I to be
for the Father of the Fatherless has fathered me.
and I've been born again into God's family
because Jesus laid down His life and saved me

Rejected of men for being too good
we crucified You on a cross of wood
But Your Father had other plans for You
for the temple was to be built anew

'Who do you say I am? ' You enquired.
Then Peter replied with words so inspired
'The Christ of God and the Promised One
The Messiah and God's Only Son.'

The Glory of Your people Israel
came to us as The Lord Immanuel.
Light and revelation to all You bring
and of Your salvation the Gentiles sing.

Lead me Lord along this earthly path of mine
through those meadows where the sun does shine,
beside the serene and peaceful waters.
Lead me Lord through those green pastures

Bethlehem Ephrathah the smallest of every clan
as prophesied out of you has come the long promised Man.
Now no more is the sun required to lighten up each day
The Everlasting Light of heaven illuminates our way.

'This is the King of the Jews', it read
The notice they hung above Your head,
But You were the Chosen One of God
And that grim road to Calvary trod.

Through Jesus all the nations shall be blessed
for the Son of God is their Righteousness.
Great Blessing for All Nations by Gods' grace
for Gentiles shall be justified by faith.

Roy Allen Biography

The entries I have made are more in the form of meditations than pure poetry. Other poems have been entered under the name of Royston Allen The Bible calls Jesus by many names each one giving a glimpse of His glory. Like a cut diamond radiating in the sun with every facet depicting an aspect of His Divine Nature. The poems on this part of the site will be on the 'Names and titles of Jesus'. All other poems will be gradually transfered and listed under my other Poetic name of 'Royston' Roy)

The Best Poem Of Roy Allen

Today... 'Beginning Of The Creation Of God'

In the beginning was the Word.
Before the dawn of time He stood.
Spoke creations word 'Let there be'
beginning this worlds destiny.

Light shot forth in splendid array
and commenced creations first day.
Galaxies sprang into being.
Pristine light at its beginning.

Earthly time Jesus first began
according to His wondrous plan.
Out of the dust making a man
and in His likeness formed Adam.

But mankind sinned and fell from grace.
Sin had entered the human race.
So God came to earth as a man
in Bethlehem where Jesus began.

Man and God, this great mystery
knit together so wonderfully.
By the Spirit in Virgin womb
God, in time a man had become.

This Babe now in Bethlehem born
has heralded a great new dawn.
Jesus, as man had come to earth.
Man enters heaven by new birth.

The new creation has begun.
The firstborn was God's only Son.
Many sons and daughters raising
join together in God praising.

By the Faithful and True Witness
all forgiven as they confess
to the Amen of salvation.
Beginning God's New Creation.

(additional background information is provided in the Poem's story box below)

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