Royston Allen Poems

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Freedom to give
Freedom to live
Freedom to question why


Jesus, You're the focus
of my soul, of my love

Because Of Jesus

Because of Jesus I go free
Because He suffered there for me
Because He stayed and did not run
Because He said 'Your will be done'

I Really Miss You Mum

My dear Mum, I miss you so very much.
Just hearing your voice and feeling your touch.
But you will always be a part of me
living on in every memory.

Behold I Stand At The Door And Knock

The door was closed firm, and the way was blocked.
It would not open, even though I'd knocked.
So I stood outside, unnoticed by you.
My arms opened wide. I love you, I do.

If Only I Could Touch The Hem Of His Garment

For many years I have sought to be healed.
Paid doctors' fees and to the priests appealed
But alas all my efforts were in vain
And I don't think I will get well again

A Life Of Poetry

Walking The Road To Emmaus

Their eyes were downcast and the pace was slow.
Why these things had happened they did not know.
On their shoulders they bore grief's heavy load
as they walked that long Emmaus Road.

From Womb To Tomb Is My Life Going To Be

I had never, ever seen the light of day
and have had to use a stick to find my way.
From womb to tomb is my life going to be
walking in darkness because I cannot see?

It Is Finished

Resounding throughout the universe transcending time and space
Is the greatest shout of victory heard by the human race
From the lips of the Lord Jesus Christ came that tremendous cry
'It is finished' was His shout as He laid down His life to die.

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