Royston Allen Poems

Hit Title Date Added
The Candle Of Love

The candle of God's love burns ever bright,
brightening up even the darkest night.
It turns water into precious wine
and these things of earth then become divine.

Who Really Won The Victory?

'He is mine boasted the grave in victory
He has died so now He belongs to me.'
But Satan could not hold onto his prey
and Jesus tore the bars of Death away.

He Said That He Would Do It

Am I Just A Man Lost In History?

Am I just a man lost in history,
and is my resurrection just a story?
Let each person decide and make up their mind
Then after death the truth we will find.

Why Did You Do It?

Why did You do it? I just cannot tell.
You took on Satan and You took on Hell.
There in the desert alone You would be
without provisions hungry and thirsty.

Woe Is Me

In the most holiest of places dwells He
unapproachable by the likes of me.
None may stand before Him or dare draw near
For He's Omnipotent and His name is Fear.

Before I Was Born

You wove my life on Your heavenly loom,
knit me together in my mother's womb,
embroidering the fabric of each day,
before I had begun to walk life's way,

A Prayer For The New Year

The tide of time washes over the old year as it fades away
and the new year is beginning bringing in a brand new day.
A clean slate and a blank canvas made ready for me to display
my many acts of loving kindness through each passing day.

Happy New Year To Poemhunter.Com

My poems were trapped with their wings tightly curled
until PoemHunter freed them up to fly the world.
Now in cyberspace they can take their place.
to be read and seen on the world wide screen.

2013 Has Begun

A new year's journey has just begun
and I will walk it with God's dear Son.
With Jesus my Lord I'll face each day
knowing He'll walk with me all the way.

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