saadat tahir Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Single’s Surfeit......Marry Nay Merry!

Parishes seek thee done.
Snatch thinner life’s fun.

Wife be cherished moor?

Eid-Die........ (Eid Day…muslim Festival)

We dear Pakis and the hapless goat,
Wide eyed drift in the same old boat.

We, men in the street and you! turncoat;

Swirling Times...0406-2k12

In heated frenzy of swirling times
Peeling bells oft deafen chimes

In knotted string of life's turns

Tsunamis Far Beyond...!

Paired delectable lilies,
bob on a placid pond.
Spawning ripples and
tsunamis far beyond...!

Pink-Ribbon Blues

Palpated her breast, a lump in the throat.
The monster that mama and aunty smote.

Toyed with the pages of a letter she wrote,

She's Gone …0802-2k15

Cousin lover friend and wife!
Days now spent in sterile strife.

Ginger locks by a chiseled face

Stones Soften To Stew...0609-2k13

Many a rising sun, I have witnessed, set
Wavering night lamps seen steady get

A Diamond’s worth, none could match

Sounds Of Silence...2207-2k13

Have you ever heard in your mind
the sounds that silence makes
the silence that spreads like music
as in splendor a dewy morning breaks

Venus And Her Consort

Wealthy round moons supple
rise up to support a lovely neck
and from this cape, earth, itself
forms up to a beauteous beck

Crests And Troughs* … 0701 - 2k13

Bubble forth and crawl inland
Clamber to die on washed sand

Wave after wave of crested peak

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