Sam S.Slait

Sam S.Slait Poems

Suicide, suicide wishing I were dead,
Suicide, suicide deep in my head,
Suicide, suicide cutting my wrists,
Suicide, suicide I am so done with this.

Being alone as always,
This pain is consuming me,
No one to care for me,
In this empty world alone.

A light shinning bright,
Built upon a sturdy base,
Made of stone or steel,
Able to support the weight of much sorrow.

I use to be sane,
Oh I remember those days,
Such a nice easy life.

Filling my head with lies,
Thinking they are truthful,
Am I just a game to you,
Simply wind me up and let me go,

Here I am,
By your side,
Holding on,
For the ride.


As dark breaks the dawn,
The knife breaks my skin,
I feel alone,
In this cold world.

His fairest Juliet laying in peace,
Looking so beautiful so open so free,
Dreaming of her Romeo to be with him,
To be held in his arms and never released

Am I but a prince,
Or am I a humble gentleman,
Am I royality,
Or simply a peasant.

I'm in my room,
In darkness and cold,
I am thinking of committing suicide.

Times are hard,
Where I cry myself to sleep,
Where I miss you so much,
That I feel as if I'm fading.

The blood in my vains runs cold,
My heart slows the beating,
The brain stops thinking.

I need love,
To feel wanted,
I need to feel protected.

As time goes by,
Looks shall fade,
Flaws appear,
Skin sags.

What it takes to be happy,
What it takes to feel at ease.

Sometimes life seems to short,
We abuse what we have,
The moments we thought,
Would last forever,

What a beautiful suicide,
The night skies so dark,
The stars shine brightly,
Tonight I'll make my mark.

It means more to me then living,
I love it over anything,
It helps me through life,
It keeps me warm at night.

If I lose control,
I lose a piece of me,
I lose my sanity,
I lose my mind.

No one understands
No one cares,

Sam S.Slait Biography

I have a close friend on here. He is my 'brother' we share close bonds and share the same goals. To help others and set them free from darkness. His name is 'unwritten soul' he named me prince. As I try to cure all the broken hearts, and give people hope. Take the darkness from peoples hearts, and lives. He has helped me through the rough tides of life and I hope that I have helped him in some way. I am in the process of writing a poem about him called ' beacon of light'. Since he enjoys taking people out of the dark. I am a hopeless romantic. I love to cuddle and watch romance movies. I also love almost all candles. sometimes I like taking nice relaxing baths. I also like to cook and have other enjoy my food. I write all types of poetry: emo, happy suicidal hope. I find they make good topics to write about as they are a basic interest of almost everyone in the world. So everyone can understand my poems. I live to do parkour. It's an art of movement you pick two locations and you get there in the most fluent way. Wether you are climbing up buildings jumping from rooftop to rooftop. It's very fun but it's better to start off small. If you want to know anything else simply ask me.)

The Best Poem Of Sam S.Slait

Suicide Suicide

Suicide, suicide wishing I were dead,
Suicide, suicide deep in my head,
Suicide, suicide cutting my wrists,
Suicide, suicide I am so done with this.

Two days, two days let until I die,
Two days, two day till the last tear I'll cry,
Two days, two days until I am all gone,
Two days, two days till the dark breaks the dawn.

Suicide, suicide deep inside my head,
Suicide, suicide now I am almost dead,
Suicide, suicide turn out the lights,
Suicide, uicide goodbye and goodnight.

Sam S.Slait Comments

Abhay Vignesh L 12 March 2011

great collection...daring experiments with verse

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Leas Celyn 13 February 2011

i love ur poems and appreciate ur honesty. i would like to stay in touch with you. if ur into the darker side of life, try out if u make an account u can add me. my username is decemberkisses. pls write more poems, i really enjoy reading them...

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