Sarojini Naidu Poems

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Indian Dancer

EYES ravished with rapture, celestially panting, what passionate bosoms aflaming with fire
Drink deep of the hush of the hyacinth heavens that glimmer around them in fountains of light;
O wild and entrancing the strain of keen music that cleaveth the stars like a wail of desire,
And beautiful dancers with houri-like faces bewitch the voluptuous watches of night.

A Rajput Love Song

(Parvati at her lattice)
O Love! were you a basil-wreath to twine
among my tresses,
A jewelled clasp of shining gold to bind around my sleeve,

Street Cries

WHEN dawn's first cymbals beat upon the sky,
Rousing the world to labour's various cry,
To tend the flock, to bind the mellowing grain,
From ardent toil to forge a little gain,

The Indian Gipsy

In tattered robes that hoard a glittering trace
Of bygone colours, broidered to the knee,
Behold her, daughter of a wandering race,
Tameless, with the bold falcon's agile grace,

In Praise Of Henna

A KOKILA called from a henna-spray:
Lira! liree! Lira! liree!
Hasten, maidens, hasten away
To gather the leaves of the henna-tree.


LAMP of my life, the lips of Death
Hath blown thee out with their sudden breath;
Naught shall revive thy vanished spark . . .
Love, must I dwell in the living dark?

Corn Grinders

O little mouse, why dost thou cry
While merry stars laugh in the sky?

The Queen's Rival

QUEEN GULNAAR sat on her ivory bed,
Around her countless treasures were spread;

Her chamber walls were richly inlaid

My Dead Dream

HAVE YOU found me, at last, O my Dream? Seven eons ago
You died and I buried you deep under forests of snow.
Why have you come hither? Who bade you awake from your sleep
And track me beyond the cerulean foam of the deep?

Humayun To Zobeida (From The Urdu)

You flaunt your beauty in the rose, your glory in the dawn,
Your sweetness in the nightingale, your white- ness in the swan.

You haunt my waking like a dream, my slumber like a moon,

Sarojini Naidu Poems and Quotes in Hindi and English | Who is Sarojini Naidu?

Sarojini Naidu was a celebrated Indian poet and political activist who wrote in English. Here are a few of her most famous poems:

"Palanquin Bearers": This poem is about the joys and sorrows of life, and how one can find solace in the love of others.

"In the Bazaars of Hyderabad": This poem describes the sights and sounds of a busy marketplace in Hyderabad, India.

"The Soul's Prayer": This is a beautiful prayer to the divine, asking for guidance and strength.

"To India": In this poem, Naidu expresses her love for India and its people, and calls on them to rise up and fight for their freedom.

"Indian Dancers": This poem celebrates the beauty and grace of Indian classical dance.

"The Song of Princess Zeb-un-Nissa": This poem is based on the life of a real historical figure, a Mughal princess who was also a poet and artist.

"The Pardah Nashin": This poem is about a woman who lives in seclusion behind a veil, and her longing for freedom.

"The Coromandel Fishers": This poem is a tribute to the hardworking fishermen of the Coromandel Coast in southern India.

These are just a few examples of the many beautiful poems written by Sarojini Naidu.

Sarojini Naidu Poems in English

Sarojini Naidu was a prominent Indian poet and political activist who wrote primarily in English. Here are a few of her most well-known poems:

"The Gift of India": A patriotic poem that describes the sacrifices made by Indian soldiers during World War I.

"Indian Weavers": A tribute to the skilled weavers of India, who create beautiful textiles using traditional techniques.

"The Bangle Sellers": This poem celebrates the beauty and craftsmanship of Indian bangles, and the women who wear them.

"A Song of Love": A romantic poem that compares the love between two people to the beauty of nature.

"Coromandel Fishers": This poem describes the lives of fishermen on the Coromandel Coast of India, and the dangers they face on the sea.

"The Royal Tombs of Golconda": A poem about the historic tombs of the Qutb Shahi dynasty in Hyderabad, India.

"To My Children": A mother's love letter to her children, expressing her hopes and dreams for their future.

"The Snake-Charmer": This poem describes the art of snake-charming, and the mesmerizing effect it has on the audience.

These are just a few examples of Sarojini Naidu's beautiful and evocative poetry.

Sarojini Naidu Poems in Hindi

Sarojini Naidu was a prolific poet who wrote primarily in English, and there are not many records of her poems in Hindi. However, here are a few of her famous poems that have been translated into Hindi:

"Bharat Ki Beti": This poem celebrates the spirit of Indian womanhood, and their strength and resilience.

"Yadi Main Sushma Hota": A satirical poem that imagines what would happen if the speaker were a powerful politician.

"Bhookamp": This poem describes the devastating effects of an earthquake, and the courage of those who survive it.

"Himmat": This poem is a call to action, urging readers to have courage in the face of adversity.

"Desh Ki Azadi": A patriotic poem that celebrates India's struggle for independence and the sacrifices made by its people.

"Nadi Ki Awaaz": This poem personifies a river as a woman, who speaks of her beauty and the role she plays in the lives of those who depend on her.

"Mere Baccho": A mother's love letter to her children, expressing her hopes and dreams for their future.

These are just a few examples of Sarojini Naidu's poetry that have been translated into Hindi.

Sarojini Naidu Quotes in Hindi

Here are some famous quotes by Sarojini Naidu in Hindi:

"जीवन एक अनुभव है, उसे पूरी तरह जियो।" (Life is an experience, live it fully.)

"आज बच्चों को आदर दें, कल वे देश का भविष्य होंगे।" (Respect children today, they will be the future of the country tomorrow.)

"जब तक महिलाएं जागरूक नहीं होतीं, समाज का विकास नहीं हो सकता।" (Until women are awakened, society cannot develop.)

"सफलता के लिए आवश्यक है कि हम अपनी इच्छाशक्ति को जानें और उसे संयमित कर सकें।" (To be successful, we must know our willpower and be able to control it.)

"अंधेरे में दीपक जलाना सीख लो, जिंदगी तुम्हें फिर कभी अंधेरे में नहीं डाल सकेगी।" (Learn to light a lamp in the darkness, life will never be able to put you in darkness again.)

These are just a few examples of the inspiring quotes by Sarojini Naidu in Hindi.

Sarojini Naidu Quotes in English

Here are some famous quotes by Sarojini Naidu in English:

"We want deeper sincerity of motive, a greater courage in speech and earnestness in action."

"The aim of life is no more to control the mind, but to develop it harmoniously; not to achieve salvation hereafter, but to make the best use of it here below."

"A country's greatness lies in its undying ideals of love and sacrifice that inspire the mothers of the race."

"We want freedom for our country, but not at the expense or exploitation of others, not us to degrade other countries."

"The more we come out and do good to others, the more our hearts will be purified, and God will be in them."

"Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark."

"Love is not a mere impulse, it must contain truth, which is law."

These are just a few examples of the inspiring quotes by Sarojini Naidu in English.

Sarojini Naidu Biography

Sarojini Naidu (1879-1949) was an Indian freedom fighter, poet, and politician who played a significant role in India's struggle for independence from British colonial rule. She was also the first woman governor of an Indian state.

Naidu was born in Hyderabad, India, to a Bengali family. Her father, Aghorenath Chattopadhyay, was a scientist and philosopher, and her mother, Barada Sundari Devi, was a poet and activist. Naidu was homeschooled by her parents, and she showed an early interest in writing and poetry.

In 1895, at the age of 16, Naidu married Dr. Govindarajulu Naidu, a non-Brahmin, and moved to Madras. There, she continued to write and became involved in the Indian freedom movement. She met many leading figures in the movement, including Mahatma Gandhi, and worked tirelessly to promote Indian independence.

Naidu was an accomplished poet and wrote both in English and her native language, Telugu. Her first collection of poems, "The Golden Threshold," was published in 1905. She later published several other collections, including "The Bird of Time" (1912) and "The Broken Wing" (1917).

In addition to her writing and activism, Naidu was also a politician. She was one of the first women to be elected president of the Indian National Congress and was later appointed as the governor of the United Provinces (present-day Uttar Pradesh). She was the first woman to hold this position in India.

Naidu was known for her eloquent speeches and powerful oratory. She was often referred to as the "Nightingale of India" for her beautiful singing voice and her ability to move audiences with her speeches.

Sarojini Naidu died in 1949 at the age of 70. Her contributions to Indian literature, politics, and the freedom movement are still celebrated today, and she remains an inspiration for generations of Indian women.

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