Bri Edwards School Poems


Mary was a little weird, a fact with which you'll soon agree.
And if this story sounds familiar, I hope you'll forgive...ME.
She attended Beavis Elementary, just around the block.
She left for school each school day, by eight a.m. by the clock.

While trying to come up with a topic for this,
I thought of a bikini top, ……missing from a Miss.
So …., imagine ‘Bri' in a coed high school swimming pool,
watching a few of the girls. Hell, I'm not a fool.

Fog Runner went streaking on the football field;
I mean he was running naked. He did NOT yield...
to the referee's blasts from the ref's whistle.
But what DID stop FR's run was a BIG damn thistle..

Roses are red, and violets blue.
Phyllis binds us, as if she were glue.

It's hard enough, as we get OLDER,

Reunions are cool.....though maybe not so much in the summer.
That this year I'll miss my first one ever is a bit of a bummer.
It's at least interesting to see you all.....even you aging macho guys,
and to give or get answers to all the 'who? 'S, 'what? 'S, and 'why? 'S.

Bobo** said (in a low voice) :"Hey Steve, what the Hell ya doin'?
Spit out that 'bacco, as I shall allow MY players NO chewin'....
unless it's just Double Bubble, and then you've got to share.
Bring some tomorrow, here to Rm.218; bring it to my chair."


Back then I joined two clubs where my main interests did lie.
Biology Club: I was surrounded by girls. My, my!

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