Shaikh Mahmud

Shaikh Mahmud Poems

Somewhere here on this mortal land,
Existed a state with a barbaric head.

Where prejudice prevailed, neither law existed,

Sitting by my study desk,
Gazing at the mirror, my 'self.'

Wandering in the turbulent thoughts,

Melodious dreams were soothing little Hans' sleep.
The clear clarion tone mingled with his slumber, deep.

The night rhymed delightfully in the lee,

I feel as if my soul is lost between the lines of solitude and despair,
And my heart wanders amid the turbulent thoughts of mind.
I feel to cover my entity with a mask and hide its gloom,
It has given up on the prevalence of hope.

Melancholic harp that concealed my bliss,
Verve, vigour, my spiritual zest,
Flee abyss with melodies thou say,
Poetic nor ersatz, yet the lulling breeze.

O' flare of the thunderbolt,
Embrace the psalm of melancholy and woe.
Surrender thy accord; dance shall thou,
Ascertain a path that transforms into gold.

In the misty light and the comely clime,
I found her beautiful spell.

In the glittering stars and their alluring sight,

The lust for luxury,
All these profits, worldly,
The wants of treasury,
And the longing lechery.


Another night I walked amidst the autumn leaves,
Poetic thoughts, wondering about the unforeseen.

The echoes of the past and the burdening grieves,

Shaikh Mahmud Biography

Founder & Chairman, Global Peace Summit | Socio-Political Activist | Tech Entrepreneur)

The Best Poem Of Shaikh Mahmud

The First Step

Somewhere here on this mortal land,
Existed a state with a barbaric head.

Where prejudice prevailed, neither law existed,
Might ruled as right - poor dread.

But among the men with suffering hearts,
A valiant gazes towards the brute.

With falcon's eyes and Ulysses's breast,
Near the savage approached the youth.

Before the edge of the sharpest sword
Steady, he stood by austere truth.

'When pen ousts the fright of sword,
Then, people fear none but God.

No more the loot, ywis ye crook,
Enough, my tribe has faced the ruth.

Those were the words of the stout,
That shamed unjust - provoked his crowd.

He fought for the people till his breath,
Thus harbored the revolt in their chests.

No one else illumines the way for you,
Barriers are broken when tries the resolute.

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