Sheena Blackhall Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Vesuvius Puts Her Defence Before The Public

A pity the Pompeiians didn't read the signs
Things had been building up for a while
I suddenly reached boiling point
Blew my top

London Marathon 22

Flagellation or hair shirts
Marathons are all the rage
London Marathon ‘22
Release the fruitcakes from the cage

Not To Be Sent As A Valentine

The web is awash with love songs
Poets thrash out a tsunami of testaments to amour

Go into Asda on February 15th

Advice To Dracula

What goes on in that swamp of your mind…
Remembering your first fang-bite?
Doesn't it give you the heebie-geebies?
Doesn't it ever bore you, that diet of blood?

English Poems From Baa Humbug

The Wildcat/ Cat-fiadhaich
Fierce of fang, she hisses, sharp of claw
Rarer than Bengal tiger, see her creep.
She is a huntress, true to nature's law

The Great Michael

Great Michael took tons of timber in the making
All the woods of Fife, bar that of Falkland
Imported wood from Norway
Forests cut from other parts of Scotland,

Scots Poems From Muninn And Huginn

Aiberdeen 2023
It's Mey in Aiberdeen, the Castlegate.
Ootside Archie Simpsons, fowk sit at tables
On the street, boozin in the pleisunt, buttery sun

The Great Sphinx Reminisces

I've been around since 2500 BC
Built on the orders of the pharaoh Khafre

It took 100 workers three excruciating years

The Eiffel Tower Reflects

Non, rien de rien
Non, je ne regrette rien
Ni le bien qu'on m'a fait
Ni le mal, tout ça m'est bien égal

Munnin And Huginn (Odin's Ravens)

Mary X gets lost in conversation
She can't recall her daughter Julie's name
She'll start a task and struggle to complete it
Muninn, the lack of memory's to blame

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