Sheena Blackhall Poems

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Waterloo Teeth

At the peak of their powers, from London to Leith
They died in their dozens, brave, coward and thief
But to sufferers with toothache each man did bequeath
A prize beyond measure, his Waterloo teeth

The Half Life Of Facts

No-one, once, could tell the age of lobsters
Canadian scientists learned to count the rings
In their eye-stalks. Eureka, it was done!
Everyone thought the world possessed two moons

The Love Jam Of Nostradamus

Nostradamus (1503-66)is famous for his cryptic prophesies that have supposedly forecast major world events. He also had expertise as a pharmacist and a jam-maker. His most notorious formulation is a "love jam" that was based on mandrake fruits and other reputed aphrodisiacs. The recipe can be found in his 1555 ‘Treatise on cosmetics and jams'.

Here is a magic potion of great power
Go dawn-pick mandrake apples if you will


Birch is for new beginnings.
Birch is the nursery tree
Birch celebrates sweet Beltane
Source of fertility

Of Palettes And Painters

Brown madder, burnt umber, bronze, sienna
Flake white hue, flesh tint, French ultramarine
Manganese blue, cobalt violet, magenta
Davy's grey, lamp black and rich olive green

Dying Matters

Every funeral's different. Angus Calder
Poet and historian's was eco-green
With woodland pipe, songs, poems to mark his passing

Cutting The Mustard

When I'd a cold, my granny said
Soak your feet in a mustard bath.
With a spoon of mustard powder stirred
In warm water to ease your cough

2 Short Poems From The Thunderbolt Carline

A Very Expensive Lamb
(£367,000 sheep is world's most expensive)

A Pedigree Texel wee lamb


I am old. I have lost six teeth
From my shrunkengums
My breasts are shrivelled gourds

Of Barking Dogs And Lady Godiva (27 Poems)

1. A Walk in the Desert

I seldom speak of this
And not to strangers

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